- 正常人额面QRS电轴的年龄趋势以及对肢体导联QRS波振幅的影响 Age trend of the frontal QRS axis in a normal population and its effect on QRS-wave amplitude in the limb leads
- QRS波振幅 QRS-wave amplitude
- 波 surge
- 高血压病左室肥厚治疗前后心电图QRS波振幅改变 The Influence of QRS Amplitude after Antihypertensive Therapy in Hypertensive Patients with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
- 低血钾对QRS波振幅的影响 Influence of patients with hypokalemia on their amplitude of vibration of QRS wave in electrocardiogram
- 振幅 swing
- 波尔 bohr
- 宽QRS波 Tachycardia
- R波振幅 R-wave amplitude
- QRS波检测 QRS detection
- 宽QRS波群 wide QRS complex
- 绕射波振幅 diffraction amplitude
- 自主QRS波 Intrinsic R waves
- 急性下壁心肌梗死心电图aVL导联QRS波群变化的临床意义 Implication of configuration of QRS in lead aVL in inferior wall acute myocardial infarction
- 反射波振幅与入射波振幅的比率称作反射率或反射系数。 The ratio of the amplitudes of the reflected and incident waves is termed the reflectivity or reflection coefficient
- aVR导联ST段抬高有助于鉴别窄QRS波心动过速及旁道定位。 ST segment elevation in lead aVR has important values in differentiating AVRT with AVNRT and preliminarily locating the accessory pathway of narrow QRS complex tachycardia.
- 利用心肌功能指数评价窄QRS波的扩张型心肌病患者局部舒缩功能 Assessment of Regional Systolic and Diastolic Function in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Patients with Narrow QRS Wave by Myocardial Performance Index
- 杂波振幅 clutter amplitude
- 老年及青年Wistar大鼠心电图QRS波时域及频域分析的比较研究 Comparison of the Time Domain and Frequency Domain of ECG-QRS Wave in Young and Aged Wistar Rats
- 用于阶梯测试的QRS波检测模块 QRS Detector for Seated Step Test