- R波振幅 R-wave amplitude
- 运动引起R波振幅改变 exercise induced R wave amplitude changes
- 波 surge
- 振幅 swing
- 她说话带着乡下人的轻柔的r音。 She speaks with a soft rural burr.
- R波 R wave
- 波尔 bohr
- R&D资金 research and development fund
- 绕射波振幅 diffraction amplitude
- R&D合作 R&D cooperation
- 空间E-R模型 Spatial E-R model
- 正弦波 sine wave
- 厚向异性系数r coefficient of normal anisotropy r
- 基于LabVIEW的虚拟心电分析仪中的R波检测算法研究 Research on R-wave Detection Algorithm of an Visual ECG Analyzer Based on LabVIEW
- 反射波振幅与入射波振幅的比率称作反射率或反射系数。 The ratio of the amplitudes of the reflected and incident waves is termed the reflectivity or reflection coefficient
- 驻波 standing wave
- 波霸 busty woman
- 在实时操作系统DSP/BIOS上实现心电信号R波的捡出 Detection of R wave from ECG signal by DSP/BIOS of RTOS
- R波触发 R wave trigger