- QRS波检测 QRS detection
- 小波变换在心电图QRS波检测中的应用 The Application of Wavelet Transform for QRS Detection of ECG
- 波 surge
- 检测 to detect
- 一种基于自适应小波变换的QRS波检测算法 Algorithm for Detection of Electrocardiogram QRS Complex Using Self-Adaptation Wavelet Transform
- 一种用于QRS波检测与分类的自学习算法 A self-learning algorithm for detection and classification of the QRS complexes
- 用于阶梯测试的QRS波检测模块 QRS Detector for Seated Step Test
- QRS波检测技术的进展 Development of QRS Detection Technique
- 宽QRS波 Tachycardia
- QRS波时限 QRS duration
- 基于自适应小波变换的QRS波检测算法 An Algorithm for QRS Detection With Wavelet Based Adaptive Matched Filter
- QRS波时间 QRS duration
- 基于缸内压力波检测的汽油机爆震控制系统 Experimental Study on a Knock Control System for Gasoline Engine Based on the Detection of Cylinder Pressure Wave
- QRS波振幅 QRS-wave amplitude
- 动态心电自动分析中QRS复合波检测算法研究 Algorithm Research on QRS Detection of Ambulary ECG Automatic Analysis
- aVR导联ST段抬高对窄QRS波心动过速的鉴别及旁道定位作用 Roles of ST segment elevation in lead aVR during tachycardia in the differentiation of the narrow QRS complex tachycardia and the location of the accessory pathway
- 放电声发射波检测中数据预处理的小波分析实现 Wavelet analysis realization of data pretreatment in acoustic emission detection of discharges
- 正常人额面QRS电轴的年龄趋势以及对肢体导联QRS波振幅的影响 Age trend of the frontal QRS axis in a normal population and its effect on QRS-wave amplitude in the limb leads
- 混响背景中目标回波检测和参数估计的一种新方法 A New Method for Detecting the Signal Corrupted by the Reverberation and Estimation Its Parameters
- 下壁导联ST段压低/T波倒置对窄QRS波心动过速的鉴别作用(摘要) Diagnostic Value of STSegment Depression /T Wave Inversion on Inferior Leads during Narrow QRSComplex Supraventricular Tachycardia (Abstract)