- 宽QRS波群 wide QRS complex
- 宽QRS波群心动过速 Wide QRS complex tachycardia
- 室上性宽QRS波群心动过速的临床分析 The Clinical analysis of supraventricular tachycardia with wide QRS complex
- 宽QRS波 Tachycardia
- 形态心电图标准在原有束支阻滞伴宽QRS波群心动过速鉴别诊断中的特异性评价 Evaluation of the Specificity of Morphological Electrocardiographic Criteria for the Differential Diagnosis in Patients With Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia Following Previous Bundle Branch Block
- 房室结内折返伴有前向传导延缓的旁观者副束所致宽QRS性心动过速 Wide QRS Tachycardia Due to AV Nodal Reentry with A Bystander Slow Conduction AV Accessory Pathway
- 急性下壁心肌梗死心电图aVL导联QRS波群变化的临床意义 Implication of configuration of QRS in lead aVL in inferior wall acute myocardial infarction
- 宽QRS波群心动过速的诊断与鉴别诊断研究进展 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia
- QRS波检测 QRS detection
- QRS波时限 QRS duration
- 40例宽QRS波心动过速体表心电图及食管电生理诊断分析 Analysis on the diagnosis of ECG and transesophageal atrial pacing of 40 tachycardias with a wide QRS complex
- QRS波时间 QRS duration
- 自主QRS波 Intrinsic R waves
- aVR导联ST段抬高有助于鉴别窄QRS波心动过速及旁道定位。 ST segment elevation in lead aVR has important values in differentiating AVRT with AVNRT and preliminarily locating the accessory pathway of narrow QRS complex tachycardia.
- 实际的波?砭褪怯上拗圃谡穹?曲线中的一些波包或波群组成的。 The actual wave is formed by wave packets or groups confined between the amplitude curves ??
- 利用心肌功能指数评价窄QRS波的扩张型心肌病患者局部舒缩功能 Assessment of Regional Systolic and Diastolic Function in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Patients with Narrow QRS Wave by Myocardial Performance Index
- 老年及青年Wistar大鼠心电图QRS波时域及频域分析的比较研究 Comparison of the Time Domain and Frequency Domain of ECG-QRS Wave in Young and Aged Wistar Rats
- 波群速 group velocity
- 用于阶梯测试的QRS波检测模块 QRS Detector for Seated Step Test
- QRS波检测技术的进展 Development of QRS Detection Technique