- 哈特:为什么要报时?难道你的手表会告诉你今年是哪一年? Hatter: Why should it? Does your watch tell you what year it is?
- 一篇关于求学动机的短文。(您为什么要报读本课程?这对您的个人及事业发展有何帮助? A personal motivation essay. (Why do you want to pursue this program? How will the program benefit your personal and career objectives?
- 时钟滴答滴答地报时。 The clock ticked the minutes.
- 那只小钟叮叮当当地报时。 The little clock tinkled out the hours.
- 这些就是我们为什么要做这事的理由。 These are the reasons why we do it.
- 报时的钟 a clock that rings the hour.
- 你为什么要介入他们的争吵呢? Why should you get involved in their fray?
- 小钟丁当丁当地报时。 The little clock tinkled out the hours.
- 你为什么要坚持写这些东西呢? Why do you persist in writing these things?
- 报时的最后的一 ping
- 他心急如焚要报杀父之仇。 He was burning to avenge the death of his father.
- 为什么要匿名呢? Why did the writers wish to remain anonymous?
- 报时的最后的一声 ping
- 你到底为什么要穿上这套服装? Why on earth did you put on that outfit?
- 报时服务 time service
- 我要报那羞辱之仇。 I'll revenge that insult.
- 为什么要加倍收费? Why do you have to double the fare?
- (报时的)铃声或钟声 sound made by a bell or clock striking the hours
- 为什么要故意找出这些令人不快的小事来呢? Why try to dredge up such unpleasant little things?
- 我要报一宗盗窃案。 I want to report a theft.