- 他正在动他的身体吗?不,他没有。 Is he moving his body? No, he isn't.
- 他告诉他的兄弟,他正在创作一支新的交响曲,他的第六交响曲。 He was working, he had told his brother, on a new sym phony, his sixth.
- 他们要搜查每个乘客的身体吗? Are they going to frisk all the passengers?
- 耶和华看见他的儿女惹动他,就厌恶他们, And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters.
- 我遇见他时,看见他正在兜售他的货物。 When I met him, he was spieling about his articles.
- 你经常锻炼身体吗? Do you often work out?
- 当时他正在收回土地,可是大部分土地他是很难收回的了。 He was restoring lands most of which were quite beyond his grasp.
- 矮子依旧躺在那里,鄙夷地不屑地弹动他的手指头发出响声。 There the dwarf lay, snapping his fingers with gestures of defiance and contempt.
- 他正在想方设法解决这个问题,这也正是他比我高明的地方。 He is trying his best to solve this problem. That is the thing that is too many for me.
- 我们看到他的身体一个星期一个星期地差下去了。 From week to week we could see his health deteriorate.
- 耶稣从那里出来,文士和法利赛人就极力的催逼他,引动他多说话, When Jesus left there, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to oppose him fiercely and to besiege him with questions
- 他正在给他的机智之钟上弦,不久就会敲响的吧。 He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike.
- 他的身体在工作的压力下垮了下来。 He cracked under the pressure of work.
- 我知道。但是他正在穿衣服。这个晚会很重要。马丁,你明天要带秀去看电影吗? I know. But he's dressing. The party is important. Martin, are you going to take Sue to the movies tomorrow?
- 矮子依旧躺在那里,鄙夷地不屑地弹动他的手指头发出响声。 There the dwarf lay, snapping his fingers with gestures of defiance and contempt.
- 他正在收集证据要彻底击败他的对手。 He is collecting evidence to massacre his opponents.
- 他正在心思十分沉重地注视着潮水,想念着奎尔普先生所提到的那些金银财宝。 He was found looking at the tide with exceeding gravity, and thinking of that same gold and silver which Mr. Quilp had mentioned.
- 这次流行性感冒把他的身体弄垮了。 This attack of influenza has crocked him up.
- 又使他们的儿女经火,用占卜,行法术卖了自己,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,惹动他的怒气。 They sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire. They practiced divination and sorcery and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking him to anger.
- 那张旧秋千椅被他的身体压得下沉,发出吱哑的响声。 The old glider squeaked and sagged as it accepted his weight.