make (things to wear) by uniting threads into a close network by means of long needles (knitting needles)
unite or join closely
show displeasure, worry, or deep thought by frowning
"knit a scarf"
"She puckered her lips"
Whip dress in low-cost knit.
出自:New York Post
Coco Chanel..seized upon the freedom of knit as early as 1913.
出自:Daily Telegraph
Knit one slip one knit two together Pass the slipstitch over.
出自: Dylan Thomas
You couldn't have knitted a tea-cosy out of that wool.
出自: P. Mortimer
Lotte would be waiting..knitting placidly at the fireside.
出自: M. West
Her russet knit sweater has ridden up from the waist of her slacks.
出自: J. Updike
She knit his socks in cable stitch.
出自: E. O
She is trying to knit the old wool into carpet.
如果你把两块厚毛料缝在一起,那作出的衣服就非常暖和而且很快就会完活儿。 knit together
The doctor says that Mother won't be able to walk until the bones of her leg have knitted together.
医生说,母亲在腿上的骨头长牢之前走不了路。 knit sb/sth ⇔ together
Their dependence on one another knit them together.
Love knitted the family together.
Mortar is used to knit bricks together.
The treaty knitted the economics of the two nations together.
Our two nations are knit together by common concerns.
I am going to knit up this scarf tomorrow.
I can knit up a baby's coat in a week.
She knitted up her remarks briefly.
她草草地结束了她的话。 knit up
This wool knits up well.
This nylon doesn't knit up as well as pure wool.
这种尼龙不像纯羊毛那样适于编织。 knit up
A broken bone soon knits up again.
断骨能很快接上。 knit sth ⇔ up
Our letters enabled us to knit up our old friendship.