productive or conducive to producing in abundance;
"be fruitful and multiply"
用作形容词 (adj.)
He is really a fruitful novelist. 他真是一位多产的小说家。
Some adult male and female are occupied in sowing grain on the fertile fruitful soil. 一些成年男女正在肥沃多产的土地上忙碌地播种谷物。
This is perhaps the most fruitful new insight we have in the field of organization. 这也许是我们在组织领域中所获得最富有成效的新见识。
The uncommon man is merely the common man thinking and dreaming of success in larger terms and in more fruitful areas. 杰出人物只是从更广角度和更富有成效的领域思考和梦想成功的普通人。
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+ n.
It was a fruitful meeting, we made a lot of important decisions. 这是一次很有成效的会议,我们作出了许多重大决定。
He is really a fruitful novelist. 他真是一位多产的小说家。
These trees are fruitful. 这些树果实累累。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
Russia is fruitful in natural resources. 俄罗斯自然资源丰富。
Newton's laws were fruitful for the future development of science. 牛顿定律对其后的科学发展起了很大作用。
God blessed them, saying, Be fruitfull, and multiply.