- That Extra Half an Inch 额外的半英寸
- He is half an inch taller than I. 他比我高半英寸。
- Then it metamorphoses into a miniature clownfish less than half an inch long that descends to the reef. 然后蜕变为一条不足半英寸的迷你小丑鱼,潜入珊瑚礁。
- My tonsils were so swollen that I couldn’t open my mouth more than half an inch. 我的扁桃体肿大到了我甚至无法把嘴略微张大一些。
- Trained opera singer's bands can stretch nearly half an inch. 受过训练的歌剧演唱家的声带能伸展将近半英寸。
- Yes,this pair of trousers should let out half an inch at the waist. 是的,这条裤子的腰身应该再放出半英寸。
- Put half an inch of gravel or crushed stone inside the holes. 把一半碎石或砾石一寸内洞。
- They had to plane nearly half an inch off before the door would fit. 要使门关得上他们得把门边的表层刨去近半英寸。
- Yes, this pair of trousers should let out half an inch at the waist. 是的,这条裤子的腰身应该再放出半英寸。
- When the candle was only half an inch high,it puttered out and the room became dark. 蜡烛只有半英寸高时慢慢熄灭了,房间内变成漆黑一团。
- The amateur cook measures every drop and granule, frets if the pan is half an inch longer than the recipe specifies. 她们烧饭时过于注重点点滴滴,斤斤计较于锅的大小是否完全与食谱上写的吻合。
- When the candle was only half an inch high, it puttered out and the room became dark. 蜡烛只有半英寸高时慢慢熄灭了,房间内变成漆黑一团。
- But from the watchers near the target a roar went up, for his arrow was in the black spot, barely half an inch across. 但从近靶处的观众哗然大叫,因为他的箭中黑点几乎只有半吋之距。
- And his father had worked to the last fading gasp;the horned growth on his hands must have been half an inch thick when he died. 他的父亲是一直干到呼出最后一口微弱的气才死去的,死时手上的硬茧足有半英寸厚。
- Switch on phone A and place it on the table such that the antenna (the pokey thing at the top) is about half an inch from the egg. 开启手机A并将之放在桌上使其天线部分(头上突起部分)距离蛋杯半英寸。
- And I stayed out an extra half hour. 我还特别多呆了半个小时。
- The sled lurched ahead in what appeared a rapid succession of jerks, though it never really came to a dead stop again ... half an inch . 雪橇在一连串猛烈颤动中半寸、一寸、两寸地前进了,虽然如此,却再没有完全停下来。
- The doctor won't take in all that extra weight. 博士决不会同意带这计划以外的货物。
- The salutation of a letter is the complimentary greeting. It is always placed on the left hand side of the sheet, about half an inch below the inside address. 称呼是对收信人的尊称语,总是写在信笺左边,大约在信内地址以下半英寸左右的地方。
- That extra hour can make a big difference. 这额外的一小时,会使事情十分地不同。