- QRS波时限 QRS duration
- QRS波时限延长在冠心病患者运动试验中的意义 The Significance of QRS duration during exercise test in patients with coronary artery disease
- 最快心率时P-R间期和QRS波时限LBBB组>RBBB组,并发现严重室性心律失常均发生于器质性心脏病者,其预后较差。 P R interval and QRS time limit of LBBB groups was longer than that of RBBB group (P <0.01). The authors also found that severe ventricular arrhythmias was seen in those with organic-cardiac diseases with poor prognosis.
- 波 surge
- P波时限 P -wave duration
- 时限 time limit
- 波尔 bohr
- 宽QRS波 Tachycardia
- 正弦波 sine wave
- 冠心病患者运动试验中QRS波时限变化及其意义 Changes of QRS duration induced by exercise testing in patients with coronary artery disease and its significance
- 驻波 standing wave
- 波霸 busty woman
- QRS时限 QRS duration
- 宽QRS波群 wide QRS complex
- 左间隔支阻滞与QRS时限诊断左室舒张性心力衰竭的临床价值 The value of the left fascicular block and QRS duration for the diagnosis of left ventricular diastolic heart failure
- 小波变换 wavelet transformation
- 波表 wavetable
- 纹波 ripples
- 三角波 pyramidal wave
- 自主QRS波 Intrinsic R waves