- 自动压缩空气A类泡沫灭火系统的特点及在使用中的几点注意事项 The Characteristics of automatic pressurized air class A foam fire extinquishing system and some of it's points for attention in application
- A类泡沫系统 class A foam system
- 压缩空气A类泡沫 compressed class A air foam
- 系统 system
- A类泡沫 class A foam
- 压缩空气泡沫系统与消防水带 Pressurised air foam system and its appertaining fire hose
- 压缩空气泡沫系统在林火扑救中的应用 The Application of Compressed-air Foam Systems in Extinguishing Forest Fire
- 罐式混合批量混合<一种应用A类泡沫的简单方法 batch mixing
- 系统的 systemic
- 第二代泡沫消防车--压缩空气泡沫系统在灭火中的运用 The second-generation foam fire engine-The application of compressed air foam system on fireground
- 聚氨脂类泡沫 polyurethane foam
- 系统信息 system information
- 系统管理员 system administrator
- 文件系统 file systems
- 第二类泡沫喷口<美国全国消防协会特指某种排出管口的术语。这类排出管口在输送泡沫到燃烧液的表层时 type Ⅱapplicator
- 系统文件 system file
- 系统地 by the numbers
- 第一类泡沫喷口<美国全国消防协会特指某种排出管口的术语。这类排出管口即使在应用条件极恶劣的情况下 type Ⅰapplicator
- 生态系统 ecological system
- 其中对于A类国家,美元化必须经过一个长期的政策改革。 One is that of "Country A," for which dollarization is the culmination of a long process of policy reform.