- 第二类泡沫喷口<美国全国消防协会特指某种排出管口的术语。这类排出管口在输送泡沫到燃烧液的表层时 type Ⅱapplicator
- 第一类泡沫喷口<美国全国消防协会特指某种排出管口的术语。这类排出管口即使在应用条件极恶劣的情况下 type Ⅰapplicator
- 压缩空气A类泡沫 compressed class A air foam
- 第二类疫苗 the second type vaccine
- 合成型泡沫喷雾灭火系统 Synthetic foam spraying fire-extingushing system
- 喷 to puff
- A类泡沫 class A foam
- 泡沫喷口 applicator
- A类泡沫系统 class A foam system
- 第二类典范坐标 Canonical coordinates of the second kind
- 扩张喷口 divergent nozzle
- 聚氨脂类泡沫 polyurethane foam
- SP合成型泡沫喷淋灭火系统应用探讨 Application of SP Synthetic Foam Sprinkling System
- 第二类曲线积分 curve integral type 2
- DUMMY喷口 DUMMY spout
- 压缩空气A类泡沫灭火系统的试验和研究 The Study on the Compressed Air Class A Foam System
- 泡沫喷雾头 foam head
- 第二类是“幸运”的人好像是偶然地正好碰到某些问题的解决方法。 The second is the lucky one who appears to stumble upon something by "accident".
- 泡沫喷出泵 bubble injection pump
- 自动压缩空气A类泡沫灭火系统的特点及在使用中的几点注意事项 The Characteristics of automatic pressurized air class A foam fire extinquishing system and some of it's points for attention in application