- 罐式混合批量混合<一种应用A类泡沫的简单方法 batch mixing
- 自动批量混合法 automated batch mixing
- 她通常在周末买些蛋糕混合料。 She often buys some cake mixes on weekends.
- 冰冻果汁鸡尾酒由若干种朗姆酒、甜露酒和果汁配制而成的大杯混合饮料 A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice.
- 女混血儿具有混合的种族血统的女人,尤指欧洲人与美洲印第安人的女混血儿 A woman of mixed racial ancestry, especially of mixed European and Native American ancestry.
- 这种饮料是由三个品种混合而成的。 This drink is a mixture of three different sorts.
- 一个多民族的混合体 a medley of different nationalities
- 他将奶油和糖混合在一起。 He blended butter and sugar together.
- 在烟斗里抽的混合烟草。 a blend of tobaccos to be smoked in a pipe.
- 微波混合接头 microwave hybrid junction
- 你要哪一种混合咖啡? Which blend of coffee would you like?
- 油和水不相混合。 Oil and water do not mix.
- 使水与酒精混合 mingle water and alcohol
- 这些香烟是用最好的烟草混合制成的。 These cigarettes are a blend of the best tobaccos.
- 稀土金属混合而成的发火合金。 a pyrophoric alloy made from a mixture of rare-earth metals.
- 混合议案调查委员会 hybrid committee
- n次混合性 mixing property of degree n
- 把这混合液搅均匀为止。 Beat the mixture until smooth.
- 他将各种成分混合成一种有效的药物。 He compounded various ingredients into an effective drug.
- 把混合料搅拌到发起来为止。 Beat the mixture until it has a light, puffy texture.