- 32位嵌入式CPU 32 b embedded CPU
- 8位嵌入式CPU核的正向设计 Top-Down Design of an 8 bit Embedded CPU Core
- 32位嵌入式RISC微计算机 32 Bit Embedded RISC Microcomputer
- 32位嵌入式RISC微处理器设计与实现 Design and Realization of A 32-bit Embedded RISC Microprocessor
- 嵌入式CPU embedded CPU
- 热管式CPU散热器总传热能力的研究 Research on Total Heat Transfer Capacity of Heat Pipe Radiator for CPU
- 使用第三方部件的应用程序应该与供应商联系以便获得32位版本 Application that use third party components shall contact vendor in order to obtain32-bit version
- 改进的最低有效位嵌入 improved LSB ( least significant bit) embedding
- 一种热管式CPU芯片散热器的原理结构设计 A Design of Principle Structure of Radiator with Heat Pipe for CPU
- 新32位Delphi有多少个版本? How many versions of the new 32 bit Delphi are there?
- 英特尔嵌入式CPU PXA255
- 32位微控制器 32 bit microcontroller
- 32位应用程序 32 -bit application program
- 陈耀,博士,讲师,清华大学电子工程专业毕业。主要研究方向:嵌入式系统。 Chen Yao, Ph.D, is lecturer, graduated from Tsinghua University in Electronic Engineering. His research interests are mainly in the area of computer simulation and hardware development.
- 32位浮点DSP综观 Overview of 32-Bit Floating-point DSP
- MC68EZ328是MOTOROLA公司的一款嵌入式CPU,其应用领域广泛。 MC68EZ328 is one kind of the embedded CPU of MOTOROLA Company and widely used in many fields.
- 一个32位的字符型指针。 BSTR A 32-bit character pointer.
- 一个32位有符号整型。 LONG A 32-bit signed integer.
- 一个32位整数,其值等于此 A 32-bit integer whose value equals the integer part of this