- 32位嵌入式RISC微计算机 32 Bit Embedded RISC Microcomputer
- 本文介绍我国自行研制的32垃嵌入式RISC微计算机。 This paper introduces 32 bit embedded RISC microcomputer that is developed by dint of our country.
- 从1985年第一个ARM原型在英国剑桥诞生以来,ARM32位嵌入式RISC处理器的应用已经扩展到各个领域,占据了32位应用的大部分市场。 Since the invention of the first ARM prototype in Cambridge in England,the 32-bit ARM RISC CPU has been used in all kinds of fields and it has occupied most marcket of the 32-bit application.
- 32位嵌入式RISC微处理器设计与实现 Design and Realization of A 32-bit Embedded RISC Microprocessor
- 嵌入式RISC处理器 embedded RISC processor
- 32位嵌入式CPU 32 b embedded CPU
- OR1200是一种32位、标量、哈佛微体系结构、5级整数流水线RISC,支持虚拟存储器和基本的DSP功能。 The OR1200 is a 32-bit scalar RISC with Harvard microarchitecture, 5 stage integer pipeline, virtual memory support (MMU) and basic DSP capabilities.
- 嵌入式RISC处理器技术的发展现状 Development of the embedded RISC processor technology
- 即使是在Windows 64位计算机上,Visual Studio仍使用32位跨平台编译器。 Visual Studio uses the 32-bit cross compiler even on a Windows 64-bit computer.
- 嵌入式RISC处理器体系结构并行技术的研究 Research on Parallel Technologies of RISC Architecture
- 一个32位整数,其值等于此 A 32-bit integer whose value equals the integer part of this
- 32位有符号整数哈希代码。 A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
- 嵌入式TTS embedded TTS system
- yaboot菜单将提示您选择64位或32位内核。 The yaboot menu will prompt you to select the 64-bit or 32-bit kernel.
- 嵌入式Linux embedded Linux
- 一个32位有符号整数,指示要比较的对象的相对顺序。 A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
- 嵌入式代理 embedded agent
- 是的,Borland创建了大家熟悉的Delphi2.0的新32位版本。 Yes,Borland have create new 32-bit version of delphi know as Delphi2.0.
- 嵌入式GIS系统 built-in GIS