- 32位浮点DSP综观 Overview of 32-Bit Floating-point DSP
- 32位浮点DSP TMS320C30程序设计方法 Programming of 32-bit Floating DSP TMS320C30
- 32位浮点阵列乘法器的设计及算法比较 Design of a 32-Bit Floating-Point Array Multiplier and a Comparison of Algorithms
- 用FPGA实现CORDIC算法的32位浮点三角超越函数之正余弦函数 The Implementation of 32 bits Floating Trigonometric Transcen-dental sin &cos Function on FPGA based on the CORDIC Algorithm
- Analog Devices Part Number-ADSP-21364-面向专业音频的高精度32位浮点SHARC处理器 Analog Devices Part Number- ADSP-21364 - High Precision 32-Bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Professional Audio
- 主板采用32位浮点DSP做VXI模块的主板控制器,利用其高度优化的处理器结构和独特的指令系统,对数据采集进行高效实时的控制、分析与处理。 The main board uses a 32-bits floating point DSP to do the real-time control and digital signal processing.
- Analog Devices Part Number-ADSP-21365-面向汽车音频的高性能32位浮点SHARC处理器 Analog Devices Part Number- ADSP-21365 - High Performance 32-Bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Automotive Audio
- 基于32位DSP的新型励磁控制系统 The new type excitation control system based on 32 bits DSP
- 5)此外,本文还介绍了美国TI公司的新一代浮点DSP芯片TMS320C6701的一些特点与应用,以及TMS320C6701 EVM 板的结构特点和软件开发环境CCS,本文所研究的算法均在TMS320C6701 EVM 板上通过了验证。 Otherwise, the paper is concerned with the property and application of the new float DSP chip TMS320C6701, the structure of TMS320C6701 EVM board and the software Code Composer Studio(CCS). The algorithms in the paper are testified on the board.
- 新32位Delphi有多少个版本? How many versions of the new 32 bit Delphi are there?
- 百万次浮点运算 megaflop
- 一个32位的字符型指针。 BSTR A 32-bit character pointer.
- 变址浮点运算 flip
- 一个32位有符号整型。 LONG A 32-bit signed integer.
- 浮点线程 Floating Point ThreadFloating Point Thread
- 一个32位整数,其值等于此 A 32-bit integer whose value equals the integer part of this
- 浮点单元 floating point unit
- 32位有符号整数哈希代码。 A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
- 浮点变换 floating-point transform
- 即使是在Windows 64位计算机上,Visual Studio仍使用32位跨平台编译器。 Visual Studio uses the 32-bit cross compiler even on a Windows 64-bit computer.