- 该冠军领先十八秒。
The champion is leading by eighteen seconds.
- 有一个队已经遥遥领先。
One team has already built up a commanding lead.
- 法国队开始时领先,但中场休息前威尔士队已与之拉平。
France took an early lead but Wales drew level (ie equalized the score) before half-time.
- 领先的那辆赛车在第十圈的中途撞毁了。
The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap.
- 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位。
Our scientists are leading the way in space research.
- 民意测验显示工党领先。
The poll reported Labour to be leading.
- 她已识字,因而比其他学生在学习上领先一步。
Being already able to read gave her a head start over the other pupils.
- 两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。
The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead.