- 无压尾水洞 tailrace tunnels
- 蒸压尾矿砖 Autoclaved tailing bricks
- 尾 tail
- 压尾装置在棒材生产中的应用 Application of the device of caging the end of bar on the cooling bed
- 无压尾水洞引风 tailrace tunnel ventilation
- 尾页 endpage
- 压克力 acryl
- 稳压器 manostat
- 尾注 endnotes
- 压板 textile board
- 耐压 pressure-proof
- 尾款 remaining fund
- 鸢尾 fleur-de-lis
- 压紧 compress
- 压痕 impress
- 页尾 page footing
- 变压 transformation
- 燕尾 coattail
- 负压 subpressure
- 片尾 tail leader