- 肺隐球菌病的CT表现 CT appearance of pulmonary cryptococcosis
- 亚临床症状肺隐球菌病的影像学表现 Imaging manifestations of subclinical pulmonary cryptococcosis
- 这是肺隐球菌病。有大量的隐球菌,在模糊的圆形细胞核周围可见境界清楚的粘液样壁。 This is Cryptococcus neoformans infection of the lung. There are numerous organisms that have a large mucoid capsule, giving the appearance of a clear zone around a faint round nucleus.
- 肺隐球菌病的外科治疗 Surgical treatment of pulmonary cryptococcosis
- 原发性肺隐球菌病的外科治疗 Surgical treatment of primary pulmonary cryptococcosis
- 猫抓病的CT表现 CT Features of Cat-Scratch Disease
- 目的:分析神经元移行异常所引起的脑回发育畸形的CT表现。 Purpose: To analyse CT manifestations of gyral malformations of neuronal migrationl anomaly.
- 肺隐球菌病血行播散伴嗜酸细胞增多症一例 Pulmonary cryptococcosis accompanied by eosinophilia in a case
- 肝包虫病的CT表现 The CT Manifestations of Hydatid Disease of Liver
- 目的 探讨空洞型肺转移瘤的CT表现及其与原发灶病理类型的关系。 Objective To study CT features of cavitary pulmonary metastases (CPMs), and to investigate the possible relationship between CPMs and the pathology of the primary lesions.
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 肺隐球菌病临床分析 Retrospective analysis of seven cases of pulmonary cryptococcosis
- 肾上腺结核所致艾迪生病的CT表现 CT Findings of Addison Disease Caused by Adrenal Tuberculosis
- 脑组织中富含黑色素的底物儿茶酚胺类物质,新生隐球菌侵犯脑膜和脑组织似与黑色素无关。 The C. neoformans growth preferentially in brains of human and experimental animal is not because of catecholamines riched in brains.
- 礼仪是一门综合性较强的行为科学,是指在人际交往中,自始至终地以一定的、约定俗成的程序、方式来表现的律己、敬人的完整行为。 Etiquette, as a fundamental behavioral science, refers to the consistent, customary procedures and formulas of the conduct that is completely reflected by self-restraint and respect for others within social interaction.
- 120例脑囊虫病的CT表现 Manifestations of CT in Cerebral Cysticercosis of 120 Cases
- 临床酷似肺癌的肺隐球菌病12例临床病理分析 Pulmonary cryptococcosis mimicking carcinoma of the lung: a clinicopathologic analysis of 12 cases
- 目的 :分析脑脂肪栓塞 (CFE)的CT和MRI表现 ,以提高对此病的早期诊断。 Objective:To improve the early diagnosis of cerebral fat embolism (CFE) by analyzing the CT and MRI findings in CFE.
- 深部侵袭性纤维瘤病的CT表现 CT Manifestations of Aggressive Fibromatosis
- 原发性肺隐球菌病的光镜和电镜观察 Light microscopic and electron microscopic observation of primary pulmonary cryptococcosis