- 120例脑囊虫病的CT表现 Manifestations of CT in Cerebral Cysticercosis of 120 Cases
- 方法 对 483例癫痫型脑囊虫病患者的临床表现及脑电图资料进行统计分析。 Methods Statistical analysis of clinical and EEG dats were done in 483 patients with epileptic cerebral cysticercosis.
- 应用金标抗人IgG4 McAb 浸测试验检测173 例脑囊虫病患者血清中特异IgG4,并与其脑CT、MR影像分型进行对比分析。 The results of detection of specific IgG4 in sera of 173 cerebral cysticercosis patients by dip test using gold labeled anti human IgG4 monoclonal antibody(McAb) were reported and compared with the case CT and MR scans.
- 方法回顾性分析经内镜或手术证实的22例PADS患者的CT表现,所有患者均行螺旋CT扫描,并提出本病的CT分型。 Methods CT manifestations of 22 patients with PADS were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were proved by endoscopy or surgical operation.
- 脑囊虫病的眼部并发症及治疗 Ocular complications of brain cysticercosis and its treatment
- 18例股骨颈疝窝的CT表现 Appearance of CT in 18 cases of herniation pit of the femoral neck
- 方法60例脑梗死患者,40例脑出血患者Lp(a)和纤维蛋白原的水平,并与45例健康对照组作比较。 Methods The levels of Lp(a) and Fg in 60 patients with cerebral infraction,40 patients with cerebral hemorrhage were measured and compared with 45 healthy controls.
- 眼眶恶性淋巴瘤的CT表现及文献复习(附5例报告) CT Findings of Orbital Malignant Lymphoma and a Review of the Literature ( A Report of 5 Cases )
- 脑囊虫病患者心理分析与护理对策 Psychoanalysis and nursing for the patients with brain cysticercosis
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 方法:回顾性分析24例脑裂畸形的CT及MRI资料,单纯CT检查15例,MRI 4例,CT+NRI5例。 Methods:24 cases of schizencephaly were analyzed retrospectively. 15 cas es underwent CT scanning, 4 cases underwent MRI scanning 5 cases underwent CT and MRI scanning.
- 脑囊虫病癫痫发作与外周血淋巴细胞亚群相关性探讨 Probe of relationship between epileptic attack and peripheral blood lymphocyte subgroup in patients with cerebral cysticercosis
- 材料与方法 对 2 5例经穿刺活检或手术后病理证实的腹膜后原发肿瘤的CT表现进行回顾性分析。 Materials and Methods CT findings in 25 cases with pathologically proved PRN were retrospectively analyzed.
- 例人神经干细胞移植治疗新生儿重度缺氧缺血性脑病的术后护理 Postoperative care of an infant with severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy undergoing transplantation of human neural stem cells
- 材料和方法:回顾性分析28例经CT诊断为甲状舌管囊肿病例的CT表现,并与手术和病理对照研究。 Materials and Methods: 28 cases diagnosed as TDC by CT were reviewed, and compared with the surgical and pathological findings.
- 汉、维吾尔族中风病辨证分型与脑ct表现的关系 Evaluation of the correlation of the han nationality and uigur nationality patients between the different types of the traditional chinese medicine and ct features of stroke
- 脑干囊虫病1例报告 1 Case of brain stem cysticercosis
- 材料与方法 回顾分析 16例具有完整临床资料的CCF的CT表现 ,其中有外伤史者 12例 ,占 75% ,10例经DSA造影证实。 Materials and Methods CT findings in 16 cases with CCF were retrospectively analyzed. Twelve patients had a history of trauma (75%25), and the diagnosis was confirmed by DSA in 10 patients.
- 脑囊虫病合并癔症1例 1 Case of neurocysticercosis complicated by hysteria
- 方法:训练样本672例,检验样本328例,均为本院住院病人,用最大似然法研究训练样本672例的CT表现和临床GCS昏迷计分,制定急性颅脑外伤的预后诊断用表。 Methods: A restrospective analysis of CT-CGS findings was performed in 672 head-injury patients by setting up a table of calculate prognoses using Maximal Resemblance Method.