- 猫抓病的CT表现 CT Features of Cat-Scratch Disease
- 猫抓病的彩超表现 Colour Ultrasonographic Manifestations of Cat-scratch Disease
- 面颈部猫抓病的临床表现和治疗 Clinical characteristics and treatment of patients with cat-scratch disease of maxillofacial and neck region
- 猫抓病性结肠淋巴结炎CT诊断 CT Diagnosis of colonic lymphadenitis in the cat- seratch disease
- 肝包虫病的CT表现 The CT Manifestations of Hydatid Disease of Liver
- 猫 cat
- 病 sickness
- 抓 to grab
- 肾前筋膜增厚的CT表现对鉴别诊断胰腺炎与胰腺癌的价值 The value of prerenal fascial thickening in CT for differential diagnosis of pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma
- 猫抓病性淋巴结炎的病理诊断和鉴别诊断 The diagnosis of pathology and differentiation to lymphadenitis in cat scratch disease
- 目的:分析神经元移行异常所引起的脑回发育畸形的CT表现。 Purpose: To analyse CT manifestations of gyral malformations of neuronal migrationl anomaly.
- 病的 morbid
- 方法回顾分析我院1995-2004年8例猫抓病。 Methods Retrospective analysis of 8 CSD from 1995 to 2004 years in our hospital.
- 髂腰肌囊扩张的CT表现及鉴别 CT Feature and Identification of Enlarged Iliopsoas Bursa
- 伴血吸虫病的结肠癌和息肉中c-erbB-2表达及AgNOR的意义 Expression of c erbB 2 oncogene and AgNOR in colon cancer and polyp with schistosomiasis
- 目的 探讨空洞型肺转移瘤的CT表现及其与原发灶病理类型的关系。 Objective To study CT features of cavitary pulmonary metastases (CPMs), and to investigate the possible relationship between CPMs and the pathology of the primary lesions.
- 戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠。 A gloved cat catches no mice.
- 骨原发性非何杰金氏淋巴瘤X线与CT表现探讨(附8例报告) X-ray and CT Diagnosis of Primary Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Bone ( A Report of 8 Cases)
- 这只猫抓人吗? Does the cat scratch?
- 新生儿颅脑正常CT表现 Normal CT Appearance of Cerebral Cranium in Neonate