- 震波CT技术 seismic wave CT technology
- 采煤工作面地质异常体震波CT探测技术 Application of seismic wave CT technology to detect geological abnormal structure in coal mining face
- 震波CT seismic wave CT
- X光CT技术 X-ray CT
- 断层构造在矿井工作面震波CT反演中的特征显现 Character appearance of fault structure in seismic wave CT inversion for mine work faces detecting
- X-CT技术 the X-CT technique
- 声波CT技术 Ultrasonic CT technology
- 大坝CT技术 dam CT
- 震波 seismic waves
- SXR-CT技术 synchrotron x-ray computed tomography
- 多层螺旋CT技术 multiple helical CT
- 胸部螺旋CT技术参数的最佳选择及应用 Spiral CT of the Lungs:Optimal Technlque and Clinical Application
- 地下工程震波技术与应用 Technique and application of shock w ave in underground project
- 爆震波点火技术基本特性实验 Preliminary experimental investigation on detonation wave ignition technique
- 用地震波CT技术检测岩体灌浆效果之实例 The Example of Testing Rock Grouting Effect by the CT Technics of Seisnic Wave
- 矿井构造与瓦斯的震波超前探测技术应用分析 Application and analysis on pilot detecting technology of mine structure and gas with vibration wave
- 基于面阵CCD相机的高能X射线工业CT技术研究 Study on the Technology of High Energy X-ray Industrial Computed Tomography Based on Area CCD Cameras
- 应用SXR-CT技术研究闭孔泡沫铝微结构演化及变形分析 Research on Microstructure Evolution and Deformation for Closed-Cell Aluminium Foams in Compression by SXR-CT Technique
- CT技术 CT technology
- CT重建技术 CT recombinant technology