- 大坝CT技术 dam CT
- 分析了大坝CT技术的基本原理,讨论了声波型大坝CT和电磁波型大坝CT的不同特点,研究了大坝CT图像重构技术,展望了大坝CT的应用前景。 研究表明,大坝CT是大坝结构性态诊断的有效手段。 The Dam Computerized Tomography(D-CT)is an effective means for a dam structure behavior diagnosis. In this paper,the basic principle of D-CTtechnology is analyzed,characteristics of the acoustic-type D-CTand the electromagnetic-type D-CT are described,the image reconstruction technology for D-CT is researched and application prospects of D-CT are forecasted.
- 大坝CT中ART算法及其改进探讨 Discussion on algebraic reconstruction techniques in computerized tomography of dams and its improvement
- X光CT技术 X-ray CT
- X-CT技术 the X-CT technique
- 声波CT技术 Ultrasonic CT technology
- 大坝 large dam
- SXR-CT技术 synchrotron x-ray computed tomography
- 荷兰的须德海大坝便是一例。 The Zuider Zee dam in Holland is an example.
- 多层螺旋CT技术 multiple helical CT
- 大坝出现塌方。 A section of the dam has caved in.
- 我们缺少技术工人。 We are short of skilled labor.
- 六年的待业并未使他的技术荒疏。 A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills.
- 他们还得学习现代管理技术。 They need to learn modern management techniques.
- 他们已决定逐步引入新技术。 They have decided to phase in the new techniques.
- 他们是技术发展的先导。 They are in the vanguard of technological advance.
- 大坝声波CT acoustic-wave dam CT
- 他正在很快地掌握技术。 He was picking up the skills quickly.
- 他在技术上不久便与其他人匹敌。 He soon rivaled the others in skill.
- 做这项工作需要专门技术。 The job calls for technical skill.