- 雅温得首脑会议声明; Declaration of the Yaounde Summit;
- 里约集团第十届国家元首和政府首脑会议声明; Declaration of the Tenth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Rio Group;
- 首脑会议 summit meeting
- 国际社会有感于需要加强亚洲与欧洲的联系,因而倡议召开亚欧首脑会议。 The initiative for the ASEM Summits grew from the recognized need to strengthen the linkage between Asia and Europe.
- 欧洲所有的重大问题都拿到在日内瓦召开的首脑会议上讨论。 All the big European questions were taken up by the summit conference at Geneva.
- 他亲自参加首脑会议。 He may personally participate in summit conferences.
- 非斯首脑会议 Fez Summit Conference
- 圣何塞首脑会议 San Jose Summit
- 丹佛八国首脑会议 Denver Summit of the Eight
- 经合组织首脑会议 ECO Summit Meeting
- 八国首脑会议 G8 summit meeting
- 稳定协定首脑会议 Stabilization Pact Summit
- 阿拉伯国家首脑会议 Arab Summit Conference
- 法语国家首脑会议; Francophone Summit of Heads of State and Government;
- 西方七国首脑会议; Seven Western Countries Summit Conference;
- 休斯顿经济首脑会议 Houston Economic Summit
- 慕尼黑经济首脑会议 Munich Economic Summit
- 内罗毕区域首脑会议 Nairobi Regional Summit
- 多伦多经济首脑会议 Toronto Economic Summit
- 非洲国家首脑会议 Conference of the Heads of African States