- 这又是什么呢? And what about this?
- 那么大都市的气质又是什么呢? What then was the finish of the big city?
- 这 this
- 这又是一种无形的人才和资源浪费。 This proved to be an unseen waste of talent and resources.
- 那么真实的情况又是什么呢? It is not till the very end of the story that we are told the truth. What is the horrible true?
- 这又是桩怪事,说真的,今天尽是怪事! That WILL be a queer thing, to be sure! However, everything is queer to-day.'
- 这两项技术的区别又是什么呢? And what are the differences between these two technologies?
- 这又是企图分散人们对事实真相的注意力。 It was another attempt to distract attention from the truth.
- 那么我们党面临的最大麻烦是什么呢?这里不妨向诸位略作交代。 A few words will explain the greatest embarrassment belonging to the situation of our party.
- 这又是你们的阴谋诡计。 This is your conspiracy over again.
- 这个不可见的黑暗之火焰,以繁星为火花的,到底是什么呢? Whar is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?
- 这又是什么样的? And what's this like?
- 假设你有三个愿望, 这三个愿望都是什么呢? If you had three wishes what would you choose?
- 这又是一个奇迹! Another miracle!
- 这又是日本的海洋政策。 This is Japan's maritime policy.
- (一四)这应该提出的根据是什么呢? What then are the grounds we should advance?
- 这又是我对于敌之第二种反包围。 This is the second form of our counter-encirclement of the enemy.
- 你的职位是什么?职责又是什么?能否陈述一下你的工作职责? What's position you held? What's the duty? Could you state your responsibilities?
- 这又是一种情形。 That is another aspect of the situation.
- 这又是一笔血债。 This is another debt of blood.