- 这儿还有空座位吗? Are there any seats available?
- 在吸烟区有空座位吗? Is there a vacant seat in the smoking area?
- 餐馆里还有空桌吗? Is there any free table in the restaurant ?
- 还 more
- 吗 morphine
- 好吧,让我看看那个航班还有没有空座位。 OK. Let me see whether there's seats available on that flight.
- 你想抽点大麻吗?我这儿还有点儿。 Do you like to smoke? I have some.
- 这儿 here
- 座位 seat
- 我想你们这儿还会有别种型的。 You have some more models here,I think.
- 在杰克逊镇,如果开车出门而车上剩有空座位,就被认为是对邻居的冒犯。 In Jackson it was counted an affront to the neighbors to start out for anywhere with an empty seat in the car.
- 还好 not bad
- 是吗 is that right
- 还说 to add (in speaking)
- 酒保跑这儿还真是有趣。没橄榄了? Toni: Interesting place for a bartender. Run out of olives?
- 你找不到座位吗? Can't you find a pew somewhere?
- 返老还童 feel rejuvenated
- 还算 fairly
- 还没有 Not yet
- 你现在有空吗? Are you at leisure just now?