- 这儿的水能喝吗? Is the water here safe to drink?
- 大海的水能喝吗? Can We Drink the Seawater?
- 请问房间里水龙头晨的水可以喝吗? Could you tell me if the tap water in my room is safe to drink?
- 这儿的气候对某些果树(如香蕉树)来说,显得太冷了点。 It's cold here for certain fruit trees, such as the banana.
- 我能向你讨杯咖啡喝吗? Can I cop a cup of coffee from you?
- 在广泛研究的过程中发现储存在地下的水能很好地保持着它的温度。 In the course of extensive researches it was found that water stored underground kept its temperature well.
- 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。 People in this locality used to take two meals a day.
- 这儿 here
- 在广泛研究的过程中发现,储存在地下的水能很好地保持着它的温度。 In the course of extensive researches,it was found that water stored underground kept its temperature well.
- 多年在非洲工作使他不适应这儿的生活。 Years of work in Africa unfitted him for life here.
- 可以喝吗? Is it all right to drink?
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。 Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 床原来是放在这儿的。 The bed used to be in this position.
- 我把湿游泳衣的水拧出来。 I wrung water from my wet bathing suit.
- 喜欢喝咖啡吗?考试前狂喝吗? Do you like coffee? Do you drink crazily before exams?
- 你觉得这儿的天气怎么样? What do you think about the weather here?
- 他们引这条河里的水灌溉庄稼。 They irrigate their crops with water from this river.
- 这儿的树林中最多的是松树。 Pine trees predominate the woods here.
- 也并非如此,因地、因人而异。比如北方比南方人能喝。 Not quite right. It differs from person to person and from place to place,for example,northern people ae good at drinking than southern man.
- 海绵将书桌上的水吸了进去。 The sponge soaked in the water on the desk.