- 这儿可以拍照吗? Are we allowed to take pictures here?
- 你一定知道,等下我进去可以拍照吗? You must know, can I take pictures inside the temple?
- 这里可以拍照吗? May I take pictures here?
- 可以拍照吗? Could I take pictures, please?
- 吗 morphine
- 从这儿可以看到峨嵋山。 A view of Mt. E-mei can be obtained from here.
- 请问,美术馆里的绘画可以拍照吗? Excuse me. Is it okay to take photos of the paintings in the gallery?
- 在这儿可以看到富士山。 A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained here.
- 参观时可以拍照吗? Is one allowed to take pictures during visit?
- 这儿 here
- 从这儿可以看到议会大厦和大本钟。 You can see the house of parliament and big Ben from here.
- 这儿可以照相吗? May I take a picture here?
- 鼠标控制,看到闪电后按鼠标就可以拍照,拍到后就会显示你的反应时间。 Mouse control, see lightning, followed by the mouse can take pictures, take pictures will be shown after your reaction time.
- 是吗 is that right
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 我们坐这儿可以吗? Can we sit here?
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 国家博物馆。游览完吴哥之后再回到这里参观,才能明白这座小小的博物馆有着怎样巨大的魅力。各个时期的高棉艺术都在这里得到了展现,可惜的是里面不可以拍照。 Only after visiting Angkor can you totally understand the great charm hidden in this mini museum. The finest collection of Khmer Art is displayed here, but sorry photos are forbidden.
- 是吗? Is it really?
- 不是吗 isn't it