- 这个词的原义是什么? What is the original meaning of this word?
- 这个字的原义是什么? What is the literal meaning of the word?
- 你如果吃了太多的油腻食物,会把胃弄得不舒服的。upset的原义是打翻。 You'll upset your stomach if you eat too much rich food.
- “Micro”这个词的意思是“小”,Microclimate"是指小区域里的气候条件。 Micro means small, and microclimate refers to the climate conditions over a small area.
- 这个词的字面意思是什么? What is the literal meaning of this word?
- 这个词的最狭义的意思是什么? What does the word mean in its narrowest sense?
- 他曲解了我话语的原义。 He contorted my words out of their original sense.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你能从它的上下文说出这个词的意思吗? Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?
- 这个词的单数词尾是怎样的? What is the ending in the singular?
- 单击音素来听是什么声音。双击音素将其添加到词的发音。 Single click a phoneme to hear what is sounds like. Double click to add it to the word's pronunciation.
- 在她到来后约莫一个月的这一天。她教我认得了“水”这个词。 About a month after her arrival, she taught me the word "water."
- 这个词的意思不容易掌握。 The sense of this word is hard to come at.
- 如果你把这些词的顺序换一下,这个句子读起来就会好得多。 If you change these words over, this sentence sounds much better.
- 正义这个词通常是与法院联系在一起的。 The word justice is usually associated with courts of law.
- 这个词还可以用於复数的主语之後或复数动词的间接宾语之後。 It can also follow a plural subject or an indirect object with a plural verb.
- 这个词是什么意思? What does this word mean?
- 也许,从历史的角度衡量这个问题,可以缓和对中词的争论。 But perhaps we can temper the debate over nomenclature by putting the problem in its historial perspective.
- 这个词的重音落在最后一个音节上。 The accent of this word falls on the last syllable.
- “四人帮”这个词是毛主席在逝世前一两年提出来的。 The term "Gang of Four" was coined by Chairman Mao a couple of years before his death.