- 这个戒指要上税吗?这是送给朋友的礼物。 Do I have to pay for this ring,a present for my friend?
- 这个 this
- 方:它们要不要上税? Are they all dutiable?
- 吗 morphine
- 我必须给酒烟上税吗? Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cogarettes?
- 这个戒指上刻有字. The ring bears an inscription.
- 想要 be desirous to
- 一定要 must
- 我可以看一下这个戒指吗? Could I take a look at this ring?
- 要是 if
- 现代礼仪权威在婚姻程序上遵循他们前任的有关规定,坚持结婚戒指要戴在第三只手指上。 Modern "authorities" on etiquette follow their predecessors in matrimonial procedure, in urging that the wedding ring always be worn on the third finger.
- 把配这个戒指的夹子拿来。 Now get the clip that goes with this ring.
- 要有 need
- 就要 will; be about to
- 请接受这个戒指作为我们友谊的信物。 Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship.
- 是吗 is that right
- 要不 otherwise
- 这个戒指上刻有字。 The ring bears an inscription.
- 这个月 this (current) month
- 要找 inquire for