- 车子要清洗和打蜡吗? Would you like it to be cleaned or waxed?
- 我们小心翼翼地清洗汽车,将每一寸都冲洗和打蜡。 We were meticulous in cleaning the car, washing and polishing every inch of it.
- 一旦你迟缴汽车贷款,融资公司可能会把你的车子要回去。 If you get behind in your car payments , the finance company may repossess it from you.
- 这是要清洗的吗? Is this for washing?
- 我们小心翼翼地清洗汽车,将每一寸都冲洗和打蜡。 We were meticulous in cleaning the car, washing and polishing every inch of it.
- 想要 be desirous to
- 一定要 must
- 然而,效果只是临时的,并且划痕还会再现,就像抛光和打蜡一样。 However, the effect is only temporary and the scratches will reappear as the polish or wax wears off.
- 要是 if
- 女士,这是要清洗的吗? Is this for washing, maam?
- 抛光和打蜡之间没有区别。 There is no difference between polishing and waxing.
- 要有 need
- 就要 will; be about to
- 任何表面上不规则的东西你都会觉得是污染物,它必须在抛光和打蜡之前去除。 Any surface irregularities you do feel are bonded contaminants that must be removed before polishing or waxing.
- 要不 otherwise
- 被清洗和楦成形的帽子 hats cleaned and blocked
- 要找 inquire for
- 用温和的洗涤剂,清洗小洞周围的地方。彻底清洗和干燥。 With a mild detergent, wash the area around the puncture. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
- 也要 in order to
- 要强 eager to excel