- 你觉得这次谈判怎么样? How do you find things over the negotiation?
- 谈判怎么样? How is the negotiation?
- 今天的报纸就工会拒绝谈判一事对工会进行了猛烈的抨击。 Today's newspapers made a savage attack on the unions for their refusal to negotiate.
- 去散散步怎么样? How about going for a walk?
- 政府决不与恐怖分子谈判。 The government will not negotiate with the terrorists.
- 后来怎么样? What happened afterwards?
- 极其棘手的谈判 negotiations of great delicacy
- 晴天以后天气会怎么样? What will it be after the clear weather?
- 他的诗作并不怎么样。 His poems are quite ordinary.
- 他们最终谈判达成了一个和平条约。 They finally negotiated a peace treaty.
- 马拉松式的谈判使他精疲力竭。 The marathon talks exhausted him completely.
- 你觉得迈阿密怎么样? What do you think of Miami?
- 杏酱的味道怎么样? How about the apricot jam?
- 该提议获得接纳,但对目前正在进行的工资谈判并无影响。 The offer was accepted without prejudice to the current pay negotiations.
- 通过谈判赢得时间 to buy time by negotiating
- 你今天感觉怎么样? How are you feeling today?
- 我们都谴责工会破坏谈判。 We all accused the union of torpedoing the negotiation.
- 他们的产品同其他公司的相比怎么样? How does their product stack up against the competition of other firms?
- 你觉得这儿的天气怎么样? What do you think about the weather here?
- 正式谈判正在进行。 Formal negotiations are under way.