- 要芥末和番茄酱吗? With mustard and ketchup?
- 要番茄酱吗 ? Ketchup ?
- 芥末和番茄酱呢? How about mustard and ketchup?
- 汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。 B: They come with mustard and ketchup.
- 芥末和番茄酱都是调味品。 mustard and ketchup are condiments.
- 想要 be desirous to
- 一定要 must
- 您喜欢加点番茄酱吗? Would you like it with tomato sauce?
- 要是 if
- 用香草、芥末和腌马槟榔花蕾作调料的蛋黄酱沙司;同沙拉和凉肉一起食用。 a mayonnaise sauce flavored with herbs and mustard and capers; served with e.g. salad and cold meat.
- 要有 need
- 顺便问一下,有番茄酱吗? By the way, is there any ketchup?
- 就要 will; be about to
- 如果你把起司和番茄酱和在一起,会产生全新的味道。 If you mix cheese and ketchup together, it will have a brand new taste.
- 要不 otherwise
- 芥末 mustard
- 如果你把起司和番茄酱和在一起,会产生全新的味道。 If you mix cheese and ketchup together, it will have a brand new taste.
- 有芥末和大蒜的油和醋。 oil and vinegar with mustard and garlic.
- 要找 inquire for
- 也要 in order to