- 要几人份的咖啡? Coffee for you how many persons, please?
- 他吃了三人份的饼。 He ate [had] three helpings of pie.
- 我们想要几个自愿帮助漆房屋的人。 We want some volunteers to help paint the house.
- 想要 be desirous to
- 我们点了两人份的烤海鲜,但是量太多吃不完。 We ordered grill sea food for two person, but seemed too much for us.
- 一定要 must
- 要是 if
- `您要什麽样的咖啡?'`请来一样一半(即一半咖啡一半牛奶)。' `How do you like your coffee?' `Half-and-half (ie Half coffee and half milk), please.'
- 叫两人份的鸡肉 order two portions of chicken
- 光明磊落人人夸,身体力行有几人? Plain dealing is praised more than practised.
- 你的牛排要几分熟? How do you want your steak?
- 他吃了三人份的派。 He ate three helpings of pie.
- 瓦拉几人 Vlach
- 这道菜是四人份的。 This is a dish for four persons.
- 在Starbucks咖啡店,你能点到的最小份的咖啡叫“高杯”。 At Starbucks, the smallest coffee you can order is a Tall.
- 小型会议:出席人数少则几人,多则几十人,但不超过100人的 Mini session: attendance ranged from a few people to more than a few dozen people, but not more than 100 people
- 许多产品,往往不要几年的时间就有新一代的产品来代替。 Many products are superseded in a matter of a few years by a new generation of products.
- 这是一人份的价格。 This is the price per person.
- 几人分时使用度假住房的方法 Arrangement in which a holiday home is owned jointly by several people who agree to use it each at different times of the year
- 我想要几天时间,或者更快,这取决于温度。 I will say in a couple of day, or even sooner, depend on the temperature.