- 蜂斗菜内酯A bakkenolide A
- 二氢蜂斗莱螺内酯 Dihydrofukinolide
- 内 internal
- 裂叶苣荚莱内酯 santamarin
- 银杏内酯A ginkalide A
- 斗 Chinese peck
- 蜂斗菜 butterbur
- 竹柏内酯A nagilactone A(抗肿瘤作用)
- 莱内病 Leiner's disease
- 蜂斗精 petasin
- 帕地马酯A Padimate A
- 莱内皮炎 Leiner's dermatitis
- 毛裂蜂斗菜根茎的化学成分及抗炎活性 Chemical constituents in root of Petasites tricholobus Franch. And their anti-inflammatory activity
- 莱内试验 Leiner's test
- 蜂斗醇 petasol
- 阿魏内酯A farnesiferol A
- 莱内氏皮炎 [医] Leiner dermatitis
- 蜂斗酸 fukiic acid
- 莱内氏试验 [医] Leiner's test; Leiner's tests
- 内酯 lactone