- 银杏内酯A ginkalide A
- 银杏内酯A对胆碱能神经功能损伤引起的SD大鼠学习记忆的促进作用 Improving effects of ginkgolide A on nucleus basalis of Meynert lesion-induced learning and memory deficits in SD rats
- 银杏内酯A和B及石杉碱甲抑制大鼠C6及人BT325胶质瘤细胞产生一氧化氮(英文) Ginkgolide A, B, and huperzine A inhibit nitric oxide production from rat C6 and human BT325 glioma cells
- GC-MS测定家犬血浆中银杏内酯A、B的含量 GC - MS - SIM Method for the Determination of Ginkgolides A and Ginkgolides B in Dog Plasma
- 竹柏内酯A nagilactone A(抗肿瘤作用)
- 高效液相色谱-电喷雾电离-质谱分析银杏叶中银杏内酯和白果内酯 High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Bilobalide and Ginkgolides in Ginkgo biloba L.Leaves
- 内酯 lactone
- 帕地马酯A Padimate A
- 阿魏内酯A farnesiferol A
- 银杏内酯B ginkolide B(BN52021)
- 15-羟基十五烷酸内酯 15-hydroxypentadecanoic acid lactone
- 大环内酯 large ring lactone
- 丙磺酸内酯 propane sultone
- 丁内酯 butyrolactone
- γ丁内酯 γ butyrolactone
- 阿兰内酯 alantolactone
- 螺内酯 spironolactone
- γ-戊内酯 γ-valerolactone
- ε-己内酯 ε-caprolactone
- [药]螺旋内酯固醇 spironolactone