- 第七章:你记得什么? Chapter 7: What Do You Remember?
- 什么 what
- 你记得什么时候出发,不是吗? You remember when to go, do not you?
- 章 section
- 得 permit
- 第七章 注册商标专用权的保护 Chapter VII. Protection of the Exclusive Rights to Use Registered Trademarks
- 你记得带浮板了吗? Did you remember to bring a kickboard with you?
- 第七章 奖励与处罚 Chapter VII Rewards and Penalties
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 第七章将论讨国际上协调库存政策的尝试。 Chapter 7 looks at attempts to coordinate stockpiling policies internationally.
- 不需要预先学得什么知识。 No prior knowledge should be required.
- 你记得你在哪儿见过她吗? Do you remember where you met her?
- 窄门与宽门,马太福音第七章 The Narrow and Wide Gates, Matthew Seven
- 闹得什么也没有 Your fuss will leave us with nothing
- 乘客资讯系统能够对公共交通系统的效率有重大贡献,第七章会详加讨论。 A great contribution to the efficiency and use of a public transport system can be made by a passenger information system.
- 我已经买了去中国的机票,后天起飞,你记得到济南飞机场接我。 I buy a plane ticket, the day befor temorrow. You must me at JINAN air-port.
- <谚>种什么因,得什么果。 What goes around comes around.
- 可是,对关税同盟所作的分析是我们在第七章里广泛地论述过的次佳理论的另一个例子。 Yet the analysis of a customs union is another example of the theory of the second best which we discussed more generally in Chapter 7.
- 去看看,那棉花都黑得什么样子啦 Take a look and see how filthy that wadding is!