- 究竟有多糟? How bad was it?
- 究竟有多糟? How bad was it?
- 最后双方同意,再在林子里走一走,好确定它究竟有多大。 At last it was engaged, that they should endeavour to determine the dimensions of the wood by walking a little more about it.
- 无论情况有多糟,我们都是最合拍的一对。 Even at my worst I'm best with you.
- 这样我们就可以知道情况有多糟了。” Keep repeating this until she answers.
- 声音在空气中的传播速度究竟有多快? Just how fast does sound travel through the air?
- 多糟的表演! What a deplorable performance!
- 我倒想知道,你这种讨厌的怪脾气和国家大事究竟有什么关系 I should be glad to know what connection there can possibly be between your sickly entimentality and the affairs of the state!"
- 他到达的时间,说多糟就有多糟。 He arrived at the worst possible time.
- 但持续的战争让人们无法统计究竟有多少儿童在忍饥挨饿,多少受着疾 but continual fighting makes it impossible to count the number who are hungry, sick, injured or even dead.
- 这个藏经洞究竟有多少珍宝呢? 至今尚无精确的数字,估计有4万件左右。 The exact number of the art works originally cached in the vault remains unknown today but according to one estimate it should be no less than 40 000 items.
- 多糟的天气! What lousy weather!
- 多糟的一天 What a day to choose
- 长城究竟有多长? What's the length of Great Wall?
- 他的说法经核实过后真实程度有多大? How does his story check out with the facts?
- 今天天气多糟啊! What bad weather!
- 我对即将到来的考试非常担心。如果我有时间复习该有多好啊。 I dread the coming exams. If only I could have time to review my lessons.
- 多糟的天气! What terrible weather!
- 回家的路究竟有多远 How Far It Is From Here to Home
- 多糟,我把钥匙忘在里面了。 What a fix that I left my key inside.