- 福克先生这一手在安鸩? This had a prodigiou effect on Andrew Speedy.
- 这一天晚上,福克先生的五位会友从早晨九点钟就在改良俱乐部大厅里聚齐了。 The five antagonists of Phileas Fogg had met in the great saloon of the club.
- 很不巧,因为工作关系,她先生这一次未能来上海,但我知道他希望明年能来。 Unfortunately, due to pressure of business, her husband has been unable to come to Shanghai this time, but I understand he hopes to pay a visit next year.
- 1949年之后,在政府的帮助下,农民开始着手改变这一局面。 After1949, with the help of the government, the peasants set out to change this picture.
- “阿伯比我还神奇耶!”洋基的一垒手技安先生这麽说。一个世界有名的超高上垒率恶魔,以他的声音抖出了这样一个令人诧异的事实。 "Bobby takes more pitches than I do," said Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi, a noted on-base percentage fiend, the amazement evident in his voice.
- 福克先生就是独自一个人生活在赛微乐街的寓所里,从来也没有看到有人来拜访他。 He lived alone in his house in Saville Row, whither none penetrated.
- 当他在国外旅行时,他用史密斯先生这一称呼。 When he is abroad, he travels under the name of Mr. Smith.
- 这一手确是厉害,在他所生活的乱世里,这位道貌岸然的东方君主就凭这一手在中国政治舞台上称霸了近四分之一世纪。 It was a formidable method and one which united to the desperate times in which he was born, made this austere lord of the Orient invincible in Chinese politics for nearly a quarter of a century.
- 你应该在安看来这家伙::我发誓他只是心脏病发作时,他看到了! You should have seem this guy on Atkins.I swear he just about had a heart attack when he saw them!
- 快来参加我们的活动,在弄了一手泥巴的时候你会学会用最原始的材料来创作! So come and get your hands dirty while creating something from a blob of clay!
- 至于福克先生他是照旧睡得平平静静和他睡在赛微乐街安静的寓所里一样。 As for Mr Fogg, he slumbered as peak fully as if he had been in his serene mansion in Saville Row
- 无论你从这一端还是从另一端开始做,结果都是一样的。 It amounts to the same thing, whether you begin from this end or from the other.
- 注四:我太太曾问先生这两条批注是否在说我。先生说不全是,但我是个典型的例子。 My wife asked Dr Sun if he was using the two comments to criticise me. He said: No, not entirely. But I was a typical example.
- 有资格叫牌的,可叫牌的有足够实力叫牌的,用在一手牌中 Strong enough to be bid. Used of a hand of cards.
- 只是,”他若有所思地又加上了一句话,“您的保护人基督山先生这次怎么不来代您提亲呢?” "But," said Danglars thoughtfully, "how is it that your patron, M. de Monte Cristo, did not make his proposal for you?"
- 就在福克先生下船以后不大一会儿,侦探费克斯也下了船。他一下船就跑去找孟买警察局长。 Fix had gone on shore shortly after Mr Fogg, and his first destination was the headquarters of the Bombay police.
- 是谁这样大胆专横,使出这一手呢? Who was it that had the dashing presumption to do that?
- 在安育地区,对当地的土话懂得那么透彻,讲得那么清楚的,谁都比不上这狡狯的葡萄园主。 No one in Anjou had better hearing or could speak the local dialect more clearly than the wily winegrower
- 我相信这一要求不会给您带来不便。 I trust this request will not cause you inconvenience.
- 改良俱乐部那五位福克先生的同僚,这三天以来日子过得相当苦闷。 His five friends of the Reform Club passed these three days in a state of feverish suspense