- 看!那不是你的妈妈吗?阿里,她正在喊你。 BILL: Look! Isn't that your mo the r? She's crying, Ali.
- 说实话,我从来没有真的喜欢过你做的菜。那不是你的强项啊。 I have to tell you. I never really liked your cooking. It's not your gift.
- 你的这个照片链接就是你在译的东西吗?你看我给的那个链接是不是你说的那物件? Jianjun Zhang: OK, see. In this case pendant means the device itself. I think the cord is also in the picture.
- 你的父亲是一名工程师吗?迈克:不,他不是。我的妈妈是工程师。 Jane: Is your father an engineer? Mike: No, he isn't. My mother is an engineer.
- 那不是你的事 None of your funeral!
- 我过去不知道,但是我注定是你的妈妈。 I didn't know it, but i was destined to be your mama.
- 我认为那不是彼得的真实意见,他只不过是哗众取宠而已。 I think that was not Peter's honest opinion. He was merely playing to the gallery.
- “当然,这是你的家,”沃尔什探长说,他看着杰基。“你的妈妈说了些什么?”他又问。 Of course.This is your house,'Inspector Walsh said.He watched Jackie.'What did your mother say?'he asked again.
- 不对,傻孩子,那不是你的鞋! No, silly, those aren't your shoes!
- 我所知道最佳的风湿特效药是:感谢上帝,好在那不是痛风。 The best medicine I know for rheumatism is to thank the Lord it ain't the gout.
- 不要动那些工具--那不是你的东西. Don't touch those tools they are not your property.
- 有时候你们开车在高速公路,看起来好像有水在前面,不过那不是水,而是光的折射。 Sometimes, when you re driving on the highway, there may seem to be a pool of water somewhere in front of you.
- 楼主我不信这是你的照片除非让我看看你的真人才能相信。 Hahaaha,, let me see your photos first for fairness.
- 我看见总在这儿闲逛的人那不是你吗? Haven't I seen you hanging about?
- 其实我第一次见到你的时候就认出了你,不是看你的疤,而是眼睛,就像你妈妈。 The first time I saw you, Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar. By your eyes. They're your mother Lily's.
- 要不是你打扰我的话, 我现在早已出色地完成了我的工作。 If you had not interfered, I should have finished my work with flying colours by now.
- 你的儿女离弃了我,又指着那不是神的起誓。 Your children have forsaken Me And sworn by those who are not gods.
- 上帝起初指着天上的月亮给他看,问他说,那不是一个好玩的玩具吗?他摇一摇头。 And God first pointed out to the moon in the sky and asked him if it was not a good toy,and he shook his head.
- 若不是你的父亲头脑冷静,切断电源,他俩都触电身亡了。 If you father hadn't kept his head and switched off at the mains they'd have both been electrocuted.
- "我的绿眼睛伪君子,那是你的办法,是不是? "That's your system, isn't it, my green-eyed hypocrite?