- 有人在听吗? Is anybody listening?
- 苏珊,你在听吗? Susan, are you there?
- 吗 morphine
- 但是当希瑟挂上电话之后,不一会儿就听见有人在敲大门。 But moments after hanging up,Heather heard knocking at the front door.
- 妈,你在听吗? Are you listening, Mom?
- 有人在偷窃仓库的库存品,不过在我没有认出罪犯之前,我不打算声张。 Somebody is stealing stock form the warehouse but I'm going to soft pedal until I know who culprit is.
- 你在听吗? Are you listening to me?
- 如果你看见有人在银行附近闲逛,就把他抓进警察局来。 If you see anyone loitering near the bank, bring him in.
- 有人在轻叩窗户。 There was a tap on the window.
- 嘿,??有在听吗? A: Hello, are you following me?
- "那条河里满是鳟鱼。" -- "胡说,我从来没看到有人在那里钓到鳟鱼。" "That brook is full of trout"... "Says who. I never saw anybody catch trout there."
- 至今科学还没有搞出一个办法,怎样才可以使男人在听女人讲话时,了解她在想什么。 So far science has not figured out how a man can tell what a woman thinks by listening to what she is saying.
- 有人在上校面前只提到反战主义这个题目,他就大发脾气。 One had only to mention the subject of pacifism in the Colonel's presence, and he saw red.
- 玛莎医生:山姆,山姆,山姆,你在听吗? Dr. Marsha: Sam, Sam, Sam, Are you with me?
- 也许是有人在街上粗鲁评论,或者你最喜欢的衣服也不适合了。 Maybe it was a rude comment from someone on the street, or perhaps your favorite clothes don't fit anymore.
- 能借你的磁带听吗? Can I borrow your tape?
- 那更好。你可以尽情喊叫或大声唱歌。因为没有人在听。 Even better. Feel free to scream or sing as loud as you want. Because nobody's listening.
- 有人在吗? Is anybody there?
- 难道我想听吗? And do I want to listen?
- “瞧”,有人在她耳边说,“那就是威斯康辛州最美的度假胜地之一。” "That," said a voice in her ear,"is one of the prettiest little resorts in Wisconsin."