- 是有人敲门吗? Did I hear a knock at the door?
- 是有人敲门吗? Did I hear a knock at the door?
- 你听见有人在敲门吗? Do you hear someone is striking the door?
- 吗 morphine
- 有人 someone
- 你知道谁在敲门吗? Who's knocking at the door, do you know?
- 要是有人认为月亮是绿色奶酪做成的,那他就一定是疯了。 Anyone who thinks the moon is made of green cheese must be mad as a hatter.
- 你听到有人在敲门吗? Do you hear somebody knocking at the door?
- 对于这则轶事,有另外的记载,说是丘吉尔赤着身子时,听到有人敲门。 There is another version about this anecdote which says that Chruchill had nothing on when he heard someone knocking at the door.
- 你能猜想是谁在敲门吗? Can you imagine who is knocking at our door outside?
- 他声称在他家中发现的那些失窃的珠宝是有人给他栽赃。 He claimed that the stolen jewellery found in his house was a plant.
- 该是有人让那家伙安分点儿的时候了;他变得自高自大了。 It's about time someone put that fellow in his place; he's getting too big for his boots.
- 我正准备睡觉时听到有人敲门。 I was preparing for bed when I heard a knock at the door.
- 一定是有人打开了笼子--因为狮子是不可能自己跑出来的。 Somebody must have opened the cage the lion couldn't have escaped on its own.
- 你听见有人在敲门吗?是的,我听到他敲了三下。 Yes, I heard him knock three times.
- 显然是有人密告了警察,因为强盗到达时警察已经在那里。 Apparently someone had, put the police wise, for they were there when the robbers arrived.
- 门囗有人敲门。 There was a rap at the door.
- 也许是有人在街上粗鲁评论,或者你最喜欢的衣服也不适合了。 Maybe it was a rude comment from someone on the street, or perhaps your favorite clothes don't fit anymore.
- 有人敲门了。 A knock came to my door.
- "船为什么停了?" "我想准是有人落水了。" "Why has the ship stopped?" "I think somebody must have gone overboard."