- 新工厂将设在何处? Where is the new factory to be located?
- 我们的新工厂将在本月底开始生产,这一点将有利于出货。 Our new factory will start production sometime to wards the end of this month. That'll help with deliveries.
- 我们新的文化中心将设在这里。 Our new cultural centre will be located here.
- 新工厂将为中国染色和涂料生产商提供高品质的产品解决方案。 The new plants will provide high-quality product solutions for Chinese paint and coatings manufacturers.
- 发言人说,如原计划不变,商业中心将设在澳门,而不在北京。 In terms of the Business Center is likely to be set up in Macau and not Beijing as had been initially planned, the spokesperson said.
- 16在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱,和各样的坏事。 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
- 设在 located at
- 新工厂将於叁月份投产. The new plant comes on stream in March.
- 与发送普通信件不同,它无需邮戳或邮资,无论收件人在何处。 Unlike sending a regular letter, no stamp or fee is required, no matter where the recipient lives.
- 我们的总公司将设在纽约。 Our company will headquarter in New York
- 这样,不管当时你在何处,它们都能使你接通办公室的网络和查检你的邮件。 They make it possible to jump onto the office network and check your mail no matter where you happen to be at the moment.
- 新工厂将於三月份投产. The new plant comes on stream in March.
- 栅栏,路障,防御横跨地设在进入线路上,用来阻止敌人通过 A structure set up across a route of access to obstruct the passage of an enemy.
- 这家新工厂给自然环境带来的影响可能是灾难性的。 This environmental effect of this new factory could be disastrous.
- 他就是这样一个谜般的人物,当你需要他时,你永远不知道他在何处。 He is such an elusive person; you never know where he is when you want him.
- 这家工厂将原油加工成汽油。 The plant converts crude oil into gasoline.
- 那新工厂的烟囱大煞风景。 That new factory chimney is a blot on the landscape.
- 国际奥委会设在何处? Where is the International Olympic Committee located?
- 这个工厂将建在高速公路附近。 The factory will be sited near the motorway.
- 该公司在新工厂上乱花了数百万英镑。 The company recklessly spend millions of pound on a new factory.