- 想在新加坡找工作吗?来对地方了! Wanna look for a job in Singapore? Here you go!
- 想在新加坡找工作吗?来对地方了![打印本页] (Website) Wanna look for a job in Singapore? Here you go!
- 找 to try to find
- 找工作 to apply for a job
- 不想 indisposition
- 找不到 couldn't find
- 如果你想在你的工作中取得成绩的话,你一定要有所改进。 You'll have to mend your ways if you want to be successful in your job.
- 在新加坡的国际学校里,华语是学生们最抢手的热门科目。 In many international schools in Singapore,Chinese is the most popular subject.
- 你同意为我们工作吗? Would you consent to work for us?
- 正如您所知道的,我想在市场贸易的其他领域获得新的经验,已经有一段时间了。 But as you know, for some time I have wanted to gain additional experience in other areas of marketing.
- 你相信他有能力做这工作吗? Do you confide in his ability to do the job?
- 请注意,我不是问你是否以居住在新加坡为荣,而是你是否以身为新加坡人为荣。 Note that I'm not asking if you are proud to be living in Singapore. I asked if you were proud to be a Singaporean.
- 他们在找工作。 They were seeking employment.
- 你想在你的有生之年就呆在这里吗? Do you want to stick on here for the rest of your life?
- 在新加坡,讲华语和讲英语的华人似乎生活在两个不同的世界里。 Mandarin and English-speaking Chinese Singaporeans seem to be living in two different worlds.
- 我能有额外的时间来完成我的工作吗? Can I have extra time to finish my work?
- 要想在这间房子里找到一支可用的钢笔,这如同大海捞针。 Trying to find a pen that works in this house is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
- 约翰那天外出找工作。 John set out that day to hunt for work.
- 你相信我们干得了这件工作吗? Do you confide in our ability to do this work?
- 要想在残酷无情的商业竞争中生存,然而她却大声惨叫。 You need a strong character to survive the dog eat dog of big business.