- 山般的巨浪; The huge wave of a mountain;
- 一张大床,里奇舅舅倚着枕头,裹在毛毯里,隔着小山般的膝盖,将壮实的手臂伸过来。 In his broad bed nuncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm
- 山般葱茏 And is like the verdant mountain
- 山般堆起来 stack
- 老人几乎是很高兴地和山岳般的巨浪相搏斗。 Almost happily, the old man battles the mountainous swells.
- 尽管如此,在不到十年的时间里,进步的巨浪却在美国的政治舞台上造成巨大的变化。 Within less than a decade, however, the progressive ferment had brought mighty changes in the American political scene.
- 海浪如山般地高。 The waves are mountains high.
- 魔鬼般的智能魔鬼或恶作剧般的表现,如表现在绘画或写作上的才能 Representation of devils or demons, as in paintings or fiction.
- 浪头一过,他马上奔到船上,看见我在汹涌澎湃的巨浪中挣扎,一会儿沉下,一会儿浮起。 He ran to the bulwarks as soon as the wave was passed, saw me, and lost me, and saw me again, as I tumbled in the roost.
- 天使般的 angelical
- 一股同情的巨浪涌来,把他的冷漠和急躁情绪一扫而光。 A great wave of compassion had swept away his indifference and impatience.
- 恶魔般的残忍 infernal cruelty
- 带著像婴儿般的依赖她不由自主地把目光投向了她的丈夫。 Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency.
- 梦幻般的音乐 aerial music
- 雪片般的信件 a blizzard of letters
- 新闻发布会上那位发言人遭到了连珠炮般的发问。 The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference.
- 这支军队击败了比他们强大得多的敌军,赢得了奇迹般的胜利。 The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy.
- 巨浪般的 billowy
- 机械般的人那种行动僵化、机械的、或处在无意识状态的人 A person who acts in a rigid, mechanical, or unconscious manner.
- 像星月般的沉入山澗? Would be gone as if a star falls?