- 大告示牌上列出谢尔曼?格罗姆的掷骰子游戏是在6点钟。 Sherman Grome's crap game was listed on the big board at six.
- 大告示牌上列出谢尔曼·格罗姆的掷骰子游戏是在6点钟。 Sherman Grome's crap game was listed on the big board at six.
- 合同上列出了租借的条件;该条款规定很宽泛 the contract set out the conditons of the lease; the terms of the treaty were generous
- (工人)纠察队员在告示牌上宣布他们的冤情。 The pickets blazoned their grievances on placards.
- 大叫 yell
- 大号 tuba
- 那么请记住在回家的路上买纸上列出的东西。 Then remember to buy the things listed on the paper on your way home.
- 告示牌上写着"禁止停车"。 The sign says "Parking Forbidden".
- 大类 main type
- 告示牌上写着“禁止入内”。 The sign read 'No admittance'.
- 变大 fill out
- 大公司 large company
- 秘书从告示牌上取下他以前放上去的布告。 The secretary took down the notice he had put on the noticeboard.
- 大流行 craze
- 大男子主义 androcentrism
- 若在你的简历上列出某人的姓名作为证明人,则须说明该人的特殊地位。 If you want to carry a person's name on your resume as reference,clear that privilege with the person involved.
- 最大限度 maximum
- 服务员在告示牌上贴了一条通知。 The courier pinned a notice on the hotel notice board .
- 大幅度 vast scale
- 大白 become known