把数据元放入各个字中的相邻二进制位上,从而能最大限度地利用存储空间的处理方法或过程。 The process of making the most effective use of storage by placing data elements into contiguous bit positions of words.
对教育工作者提出的要求,就是要调整学校的课程来最大限度地使用新的技术,以便学生能够学得更好,并为他们现在所面临的信息丰富的世界而早作准备。 The challenge for educators is to restructure the curriculum to make maximum use of the new technologies so that students can learn better and prepare themselves for the information-rich world they now confront.
这服装精心设计,力求达到最大限度的舒适。 The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort.