- 多排CT Multi-CT
- 多排CT的冠状动脉及静脉成像 The coronary vein and arteries imaginges by Mutiple Detector CT
- 降低照射剂量在头颅多排CT中的临床应用 The Application of Reducing the Radiation Dose of Head Multi-Detector Row CT
- 更多 more
- 多 multi-
- 多排CT曲面重建在颌骨病变诊断与治疗中的评价 Evaluation of CPR image using multislice CT in diagnosis and treatment of jaw disease
- 排 a platoon
- 最多 maximum
- 64排CT 64-row CT
- 多个 multi-
- 更多的 added
- 太多 tanto
- 16排CT造影 Sixteen-detector row computed tomography angiography
- 好多 (adj) many
- 多年 many years
- 64排CT冠脉扫描 64-slice CT coronary angiography
- 多云 cloudy
- 那么多 tanto
- 多大 how big
- 16排CT结肠三维成像在结肠癌及息肉诊断中的初步研究 Preliminary study of colon carcinoma and polypus with 16 slice CT three-dimensional imaging