- 16排CT注气法仿真膀胱镜成像技术及其在膀胱癌术前评价中的临床应用 The value of 16 slice CT virtual cystoscopy and its clinical application in the preoperational evaluation of bladder neoplasm
- 16排CT造影 Sixteen-detector row computed tomography angiography
- 16排螺旋CT的MPR、SSD及VRT重建技术在创伤性骨关节骨折中的临床应用 The Clinical Application of MPR, SSD and VRT with 16 SCT in Diagnosis of Bones and Joins Trauma
- 64排CT 64-row CT
- 多排CT Multi-CT
- 64排CT冠脉扫描 64-slice CT coronary angiography
- 多排CT的冠状动脉及静脉成像 The coronary vein and arteries imaginges by Mutiple Detector CT
- 这种秤每磅是16英两。 In this scale there are sixteen ounces to the pound.
- 竖排 vertical setting of types
- 降低照射剂量在头颅多排CT中的临床应用 The Application of Reducing the Radiation Dose of Head Multi-Detector Row CT
- 排出的 exhaust
- 三维CT脑血管造影 Three dimensional CT angiography
- 炉排 grate(bar)
- 三维CT血管造影术 Three-dimensional computed tomography angiography
- (排他的)社会团体 caste
- 全排集合点名。 The platoon mustered for roll call.
- 64层容积CT数字减影血管造影 Volume CT digital subtraction angiography
- 过去这路边破败的房子排成行。 The shabby houses used to range along the road.
- 在7英尺深的池底上把三轮车排好队。 Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water.
- 口服造影CT诊断胆囊息肉样病变和阴性结石 Diagnostic value of CT in patients with gallbladder polypi or negative stones by oral cholecystography