- 唉。你这儿有苜蓿锤么? Sigh.Do you have any lucern hammers?
- 打扰一下,我想要一些土豆回去烤,你这儿有吗? Excuse me? I'd like some baking potatoes. Do you have any baking potatoes?
- 这儿有一本书,你会对它感到兴趣的。 Here is a book which you will be interested in .
- 这儿 here
- 你有没有时间? Have you time?
- 你这儿有胸针吗? Do you stock brooches?
- 我劝你这儿个星期里要多加小心;桑德斯正在找你的岔子。 I advise you to be very careful over the next few weeks; Sanders is gunning for you.
- 这儿有许多移民住在破败的房屋里。 Many immigrants here are living in bad housing.
- 你这儿有没有低热量苏打汽水? Do you have any diet soda?
- 是的,这宁可把它在你这儿放几天,给它彻底检修一下。 Yes,I'd rather you keep it a few day and give it a thorough overhaul.
- 彼得斯夫人:(向食品柜里张望)咦,这儿有一只鸟笼。 Mrs. Peters : ( looking in cupboard . ) Why , here 's a birdcage .
- 艾咪会来你这儿作客住上几天。 Amy will come down and visit with you for a couple of day.
- 这儿有一条不成文法,即每人自己去取咖啡,哪怕是经理也是如此。 It's an unwritten law around here that everyone fetches his own coffee, even the managers.
- 你这儿卖不卖快餐? Do you serve bar snacks?
- 这儿有一张多出来的票,这是正面看台的好位子。 Here's a ticket and to spare. It's also a good seat in the grandstand.
- 你的事可以托你这儿的亲戚办。 You can trust your relatives here with your affairs.
- 我这儿有张定期存款单,两个月以后到期。 I have a time deposit here.But it'll mature in two months.
- 是的,我今天早上把夹克寄放在你这儿,可是我把取物牌弄丢了。 Yes, I left my jacket with you this morning but I've lost the tag for it.
- 我极需就业。这儿有可能找到工作吗? I'm badly in need of employment. Is it possible to find one here?
- 马克笨透了——我仍然不理解为什么你这儿要雇佣他。 Mark is as thick as two short planks—I still don't understand why you employed him here.